Exhibition of Jan Hvízdal's photographs in PALLADIUM on floor +1

Drop by a photo exhibition in PALLADIUM on floor +1 in front of the FJÄLLRÄVEN and ALO diamonds stores. The exhibition by Jan Hvízdal, a traveller and a photographer, is called "Who is behind bio?" and you can see it for free daily from 9 am to 9 pm, until the end of October.

The exhibition consists of a series of ten photographs by a photographer, a traveller and an adventurer Jan Hvízdal. The author, who is best known for his work from the polar regions, has been touring organic farms across the Czech Republic throughout the year to highlight the importance and benefits of organic farming through the lens of his camera. Although the title of the exhibition might suggest it, the artist did not only try to capture the stories of people who have chosen to follow the path of sustainable farming. Rather, his photographs capture moments and situations that are characteristic of organic farming, from the authentic human-animal relationship over the care of the land and soil, to the joy and sense of fulfilment that this way of farming brings.

Jan Hvízdal is also a wilderness guide and professional expedition photographer who has spent the last 13 years travelling around the world in search of the meaning of life. He found it alongside thirty sled dogs on the snow plains of the high Arctic. He lived in the Svalbard archipelago for over 5 years and it is still his greatest inspiration, along with Antarctica where he spends several months per year. He is interested in sustainable environmentalism, photographing wild animals in their natural habitat and organic farming. He communicates these topics to students and adults in lectures, which he has been giving around the Czech Republic for several years.

The exhibition was created in collaboration with the Association of Organic Farmers PRO-BIO and with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and the State Agricultural Intervention Fund.



Photo credit: PALLADIUM


Photo credit: Jan Hvízdal – https://janhvizdalphotography.com/